Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

A.      Issue Backround

Indonesia is a big country, Indonesia also has many islands. Indonesian population has various fields for they occupy. Before the age of technology as it is now, not many Indonesian people who know what it is technology. modern technology as it is now a lot of help humans in various ways, such as the more easily we communicate, GPS.

From the description above we can conclude that the technology is very important, one example as we will discuss in our article this time, namely on the Geographic Information System (GIS)

B.      Discussion

Geographic Information System is an information system that is made to work with spatial data or geographic coordinates or a system that places particular emphasis on the attributes that are in areas of the earth's surface.

C.      Closure

a.       Conclusion

From the explanation above, we can conclude that the geographic information system greatly assist human needs one of the coordinates is to show that a point on the earth by latitude and longitude or in the case of geospatial ie on spatial aspect of an object or event that includes the location, layout and position.

b.      Advice

I think Indonesia is still a few people who know what it's geographical information system and of the above explanation geographic information system can really help us in terms of geographical location, coordinates and other things that would be very helpful if we know it.

Daftar Pustaka: https://id.wikipedia.org/

Posting by : Siti Ulfah Naziah, D4TI3C, 1144073

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